Tineret Romania
“Tineret Romania” is a non-governmental and apolitical organization, established by and for youngsters. Its main aim is to promote youth participation in non-formal activities, by local, national and international level.
“Tineret Romania” objectives are:
- to promote, defende, help and represent the professional interests of the Youngsters
- to develop solutions on youth problems and foster their participation to social and democratic life
- to enable young people from different backgrounds in working together
- to raise awareness of community on social and educational issues
About our members:
Our association mainly consists of youngsters which are promoting proactive attitude, exchanging ideas and working in a team. Youngsters from Galati are members of our association, being active by helping us to improve and develop national and international projects. We are targeting cultural, social, educational and sportive activities. We are also working on youth policies and human rights by organizing workshops, training courses and other non formal activities.
About our projects:
We are involved in the youngsters life developing local, national and European projects such as :
· I bike ! (2011)
· Seara tinerilor (2011)
· ECO Volunteers (2012)
I bike!
Galati, Romania, 23-30 September 2011
This project was implemented with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyle, developing the concept of ecolgy and team building throught sports cometition, games and discussions about ecology.
Through this project, we targeted young people and the community from Galati.
Seara tinerilor
„Youngsters night“ was a project for youngsters made by youngsters.Thus project was implemented in October 2011 in Galati, Romania. Through dance, karaoke and various contests, we decided to offer a different kind of entertainment , promoting association and the concept of volunteering.
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